Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Basic Schedule of our Time in Peru

- travel to Peru
- arrive in Peru
- church at America Sur - sermon on God's mission to the whole world as the
church's priority - luckily, there was also a Spanish powerpoint outline :)
- desayuno - 7:30 - scrambled eggs, rolls, fresh strawberry juice
- devotionals - What's keeping you from bungee jumping for Jesus?
- construction site - making and planting Bermuda grass plugs in "lawn"
- lunch at Porvenir church - potatoes in peanut sauce, chicken and rice
- construction - pouring concrete, shoveling sand and gravel, moving rocks
- dinner at America Sur - chicken and rice, potatoes, ice cream
- bought coks and Sublime on way home
- first night of caramel-filled CHURROS from Consuelo!
- debrief
- breakfast and devotionals
- construction in morning
- market for fruit and then the DUMP
- quiet time
- construction - concrete!
- lunch at Porvenir - chicken and rice, beans, flan
- daycare - played with kids :)
- dinner at America Sur - steak, mashed potatoes, and rice
- cell groups with Porvenir Church members - major HIGHLIGHT of trip!
- desayuno and devotionals
- construction - cut 100 pieces of rebar!
- after lunch - played with kids at mine community near Huan Chaco
- dinner at America Sur
- hamburguesa stand - met Alicia and Christina :)
- breakfast and devotionals
- construction ALL DAY - concrete!
- post-dinner churros!
- final morning of construction - shoveling gravel, tying rebar with Juan
- lunch at Porvenir Church
- shopping in city Apiat
- dinner
- final debrief - HUGE!!
- service at Larco Church - Que Rol Tiene Usted En La Gran Comision? (What's
your role in the Great Commission?)
- picnic lunch, shopping, and surfing at HuanChaco
- Plaza del Arma in Trujillo after Pizza Hut dinner
- said goodbye to Alicia and Christina at hamburguesa stand
- the 36-hour journey home begins (10 hr bus ride through desert on second
story of bus, wrong bus terminal in Lima, broken bus to airport, flight back
to US, drive back to Boone...)
- home.

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